You can get a loan for just about anything you want. You can apply to borrow any amount from $500. Motor vehicles, property/land and business can also be used as security, which may belong to a guarantor. Why not to give me a call to find more details?
It seems everybody will encounter personal financial difficulties, some can be huge some can be small. Whatever it is huge or it is small, we can help.
What can I use the Personal Loan for? | You can get a loan for just about anything you want. |
How much can I borrowed? | You can apply to borrow any amount from $500. |
Flexible repayment term | Choose a repayment term to suit you from one to four years. |
Security | Motor vehicles, property/land and business. We can also use the assets, which may belong to a guarantor. |
Lending Value | Depends on the security offered. |
Can I pay back sooner | Make extra repayments at any time, at no extra cost. |
Choice of Repayment | Repay your loan weekly, fortnightly or monthly via Direct Debit or automatic payment. |
Interest Rate | Competitive interest rates. The interest rates vary and determine on a case-by-case basis depending on individual circumstances such as types of security offer, security margin and credit history. In short the lower the risk we perceive on the loan, the lower the interest rate it will be. |
Loan Protection Insurance | Insurance for extra peace of mind so that your minimum loan repayments are covered.
Its optional! Covered events can include:
Documentation/Proofs | You will be asked for the following information: Driver Licence & Passport, Pay Slip or Financial Statements, Valuation Report, Mortgage Statements, Sale & purchase agreements, Bank Statements etc. We may also need to inspect the securities. |
Approvals | Approvals or disapprovals can often be made instantly. If the loan is approved then generally an hour to a day is needed to prepare all the necessary documents. Upon all the loan contracts and other documents are signed the money will then be credited to the nominated account. Some documents may require our solicitor to prepare and you will be responsible for the solicitor's cost. |
Note: All loans require security. Normal lending criteria apply. Payment protection insurance and a facility fee may apply.